Love does not walk carefree on the beach
It takes efforts, sincerity and purity.
It comes as a dream, but dreams are something different and love in reality is a struggle.
That struggle requires skills, perseverance and open hearts.
And hearts are important, all they need is mutual care, love and affection.
Love is something beautiful  it only needs a kindred soul, a boat and a pier  there it is at home.
                                              Maya Amorisima

This is my territory,
I make young and old
Set their clock by me.

Maya Amorisima is a powerful natural talent, creating refined paintings – modern and melodious – which is her special art formula.
She has a lyricsensuality an element that surpasses everything when interpreted in paintings, poetry, prose, books for children, postcards… Tolerance, sincerity, love – merits, impossible to define!